The Guri Bori Textured Mens Ring

Posted by Arn Krebs on


 Guri Bori is one of Arn's signature patterns, inspired by the beautiful landforms and patterns found in the western US, where he grew up. The name of the pattern actually comes from further back in history and is related to the origin of Mokume Gane itself, Japanese inspired rings from the metalsmithing technique involving alternating many different color metals and carving curves and spiral patterns inspired by lacquer work in China.

 They explained the history of Guri Bori in this published text which we will link to here: © Hiroko Sato Pijanowski & Gene Michael Pijanowski

 Arn's Guri Bori is a carved style pattern, executed in a similar way as the Wood Grain metal pattern, but with emphasis on creating a 3-D surface and texture.
One of the most unique aspects of this pattern is how customizable it is! Arn is able to create many different variations with his carving.
For example, this ring was carved specifically to resemble a topographic map of a trail very sentimental to the customers! This was a very subtle way to add a personal touch and make the pattern feel special just for them. 
This bypass style ring is another great example of how one can customize the Guri Bori pattern, this ring's pattern has been made to be reminiscent of oceanic textures and forms. It turned out feeling very much like the shell of an oyster where this pearl would have come from!


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