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Susan Freda - Commissions & Designers
Posted by Susan Freda on
A Healing Garden
Posted by Susan Freda on

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A Healing Garden
Posted by Susan Freda on

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Happy New year!
Posted by Susan Freda on
We just want to take a moment to thank all of our loyal supporters for helping to make 2018 our best year yet!
Here is a shot of Sues' work installed in a clients home. oooh aaahhh. Arn is working on a new line of mokume made with luscious new metals and featuring some killer gemstones. Sue is working on a new body of porcelain and glass work which she will be exhibiting in a two person show in February at the Chazan Gallery with artist Allison Paschke. Stay tuned for dates and opening times!
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Happy New year!
Posted by Susan Freda on
We just want to take a moment to thank all of our loyal supporters for helping to make 2018 our best year yet!
Here is a shot of Sues' work installed in a clients home. oooh aaahhh. Arn is working on a new line of mokume made with luscious new metals and featuring some killer gemstones. Sue is working on a new body of porcelain and glass work which she will be exhibiting in a two person show in February at the Chazan Gallery with artist Allison Paschke. Stay tuned for dates and opening times!