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Making an Mokume Gane Oceanic Bypass Ring

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Some process images and videos of Arn creating a beautiful ocean inspired bypass ring! This ring is a variation of Arn's usual Guri Bori pattern, invoking elements of the sea such as shells, water ripples and movement. The palette here is Firestorm, which features 14kt red gold, 14kt yellow gold, palladium and sterling silver.

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Making an Mokume Gane Oceanic Bypass Ring

Posted by Susan Freda on

Some process images and videos of Arn creating a beautiful ocean inspired bypass ring! This ring is a variation of Arn's usual Guri Bori pattern, invoking elements of the sea such as shells, water ripples and movement. The palette here is Firestorm, which features 14kt red gold, 14kt yellow gold, palladium and sterling silver.

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How To Make A Woodgrain Patterned Mokume Ring

Posted by Susan Freda on

Check out this look behind the scenes of Arn patterning a woodgrain ring that has a stratum layer! This is an added detail usually seen in our twist pattern rings, but Arn had been interested in implementing it with the woodgrain pattern for some time. 

This is a Flame palette ring (14kt red gold and silver), and the stratum layer is 14kt yellow gold. 

The Final Product

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How To Make A Woodgrain Patterned Mokume Ring

Posted by Susan Freda on

Check out this look behind the scenes of Arn patterning a woodgrain ring that has a stratum layer! This is an added detail usually seen in our twist pattern rings, but Arn had been interested in implementing it with the woodgrain pattern for some time. 

This is a Flame palette ring (14kt red gold and silver), and the stratum layer is 14kt yellow gold. 

The Final Product

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The Romance and History of the Mokume Gane Ring Set

Posted by Susan Freda on

Ancient Egyptians believed that the ring finger, or the fourth finger of the left hand, contained a “vena amoris” or “vein of love” that connected directly to the heart.

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The Romance and History of the Mokume Gane Ring Set

Posted by Susan Freda on

Ancient Egyptians believed that the ring finger, or the fourth finger of the left hand, contained a “vena amoris” or “vein of love” that connected directly to the heart.

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